YBK Publishers chooses, edits, designs, and publishes its books free of cost to its authors. To participate in the selection do not yet submit your manuscript. Please first provide a description of your work. Please provide your impression of your book's potential readership--who will likely purchase and read your book?--and any special ways in which this group may be approached. If your synopsis is chosen for full evaluation you will be asked to forward your manuscript. Authors of works selected will be offered a contract and our standard royalty terms as described elsewhere in this website. Please send synopsis and readership evaluation as email to readmybook@yourbookpublisher.com.
We mostly seek narrow-interest academic, professional, and technical nonfiction, as well as focused general nonfiction. We prefer that your book address an identifiable and easily reached group of followers, large or small. We publish poetry only through the Bowery Poetry Club and fiction almost not at all
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