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Reality in the Shadows
or What the Heck's the Higgs?
by S. James Gates Jr. (recipient of the 2013 National Science Medal), Frank Blitzer, and Stephen Jacob Sekula

You will have to read the book to understand why the authors chose to end Reality in the Shadows or What the Heck's the Higgs with the following paragraph:
Until positive proof arising from direct observation and experiment occurs, superstring/M-Theory, braneworld scenarios, and whatever other ideas will emerge from the fertile imaginations of theorists, these ideas must continue each to be borne into a shadow of reality. Each is an enigma to be resolved in the expectation that we are bringing them a light-step forward, rather than casting them into new darkness in the cosmos. Observation is the true test of hypothesis. When observation yields direct evidence, we will have met the challenge of bringing reality out of the shadows.
Click here to view selected pages from this book
Reality in the Shadows or What the Heck's the Higgs describes how humanity came to learn the workings of the universe as groundwork for the science that found the Higgs particle just as it now seeks the graviton and other unseen particles that promise to unveil a great deal more about what we still don't know. Throughout the book are descriptions of important developments in theoretical physics that lead the reader to a step-by-step understanding of them.
Scientists have noted billions of other stars like our sun, and tens of thousands of other galaxies, nebulae, and still more undiscovered matter—black holes, pulsars, neutron stars, dark energy, the graviton, and much more. You will learn how we think they work and what lies beyond their discovery.
Work over the past forty years has created string theory and quantum mechanics, new approaches to understanding the universe in a way we now know can unify the quantum world with Einstein's perception of the world. It explores questions about the big bang that do not quite mesh with present theories, how gravity works, and how to unify gravity with quantum mechanics. It tells us why studies have moved to string theory, superstring theory, and M-theory and how they are used to find the answers.
These revealing additions to our knowledge have caused scientists and the clergy to reconsider many previous conclusions about what the universe is and how it works. In the twenty-first century, ideas and theories once regarded as scientific truth have come under increasing scrutiny and challenge. This book explores those concepts, presenting them in a manner the non-scientist can readily follow.
S. James Gates Jr.'s (Jim Gates) interest in science began at age four when his mother, Charlie, brought her children to a science fiction movie when the family was living at Ft. Pepperell near St. John’s, Newfoundland. Four years later at Ft. Bliss, near El Paso, Texas, Sylvester James Gates, Sr., his father—a member of the U.S. Army and a veteran of WWII—gave him books about the coming of the space age that solidified an early interest in science (and kindled his wish to become an astronaut). Science fiction, comic book superheroes, a fantastic high school physics teacher, Mr. Freeman Coney, and the Orlando Public Library served as the launch pad for a life in physics.
Gates became the Ford Foundation Professor, Physics and Affiliate Professor of Mathematics at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island after retiring in 2017 as a University System Regents Professor; Center for String and Particle Theory Director; Distinguished University Professor; John S. Toll Professor of Physics; and Affiliate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Maryland — College Park.
He received the 2011 National Medal of Science, the 2006 Public Understanding of Science & Technology Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the 2003 Klopsteg Award for excellent physics teaching from the American Association of Physics Teachers, and the 1994 Bouchet Award of the American Physical Society. He is a member of the National Academy of Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Physical Society, and the American Philosophical Society.
Gates has contributed to the mathematical foundation of supersymmetry since authoring M.I.T.'s first Ph.D. written on the subject in 1977. Among his discoveries has been four dimensional string theory using the mathematics of the standard model and connections to graph theory, information theory, and indications of the possibility that following the big bang there might have been an "inchoate epoch" during which processes similar to evolution acted on the mathematical laws that describe our universe. His research continues to expand the understanding of supersymmetry in unique and innovative ways.
In 2017, he completed forty-five consecutive years as a college instructor in physics and/or mathematics. He has appeared in many TV science documentaries, on-line videos, and in 2006 completed Superstring Theory: The DNA of Reality, a video series of twenty-four half-hour non-technical presentations.
Frank Blitzer received his B.S.E.E from Purdue University with a second major in mathematics. After graduating, he continued his studies toward the Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. Frank spent fifty years working for several major companies in the aerospace industry on such things as the design of the B-52 bomber and various missiles and space systems. He facilitated operations with inertial guidance, communications, and surveillance systems. He contributed to the design of systems for the Lacrosse Missile, Patriot Missile, the APOLLO Manned-Space Program, and the Strategic Defense Initiative Program. He developed and patented several missile guidance and control systems, and space systems, as well as pattern recognition and surveillance systems, in which fields he is published. He received the Honeywell Top Performer Award in 1992.
Stephen Jacob Sekula's parents, Annetta and Stephen, fed Steve's early science habits with dangerous chemistry sets, providing his writing interest with endless pads of paper, typewriters, and, eventually, word processing software, as well as intellectual criticism of that writing. His sister, Kate, was essential in dragging him back to reality when he spent too much time in the same shadows this book explores.
SJS is Associate Professor of Experimental Particle Physics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and his B.S. from Yale University.
He has been involved in particle collider experiments since his undergraduate days; first at Fermilab, then at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and presently at CERN. He led a team within the BaBar collaboration in 2008 that discovered a state of matter, the lowest energy configuration of bottom quark and its antimatter counterpart, that was first predicted to exist in 1977. He participated in the discovery and measurement of the Higgs Boson in 2012 and 2013, culminating in the announcement of its discovery on the Fourth of July in 2012. He continues still to be fascinated by the potential of this particle to explain even more about the presently unknown origins of our universe.
He is a recipient of the 2017 SMU Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor Award and he received the Texas Section American Physical Society's Robert S. Hyer Award for excellence in the supervision of undergraduate research.
In an Ark with the Animals on a Rainy Day:
Leadership Lessons Learned from Noah
by Cherry L. F. Johnson, EdD

You think of yourself as an ordinary person. That said, you can be a leader and make a difference in other people's lives. Yes! You absolutely can!!
God calls many types of people to lead and to succeed—you have the necessary qualification. You need only follow Noah's historic voyage in an ark filled with animals to discover how timeless, simple leadership principles will enable you to become the leader that God has called you to be. Noah's leadership will inspire your own.
The account of Noah in Genesis, with references to other biblical leaders, In an Ark with the Animals on a Rainy Day will identify and develop your potential as a Christian leader. Author, educator, and Christian leader, Dr. Cherry Johnson, EdD, uses fun, easy-to-follow animal themes to show how you will become stronger in your leadership abilities and make a positive impact on those around you and, more important, on the next generation.
God challenged Noah to construct a boat that seemed impossible to build. How did Noah, not a sailor, but an ordinary man, not only build that boat, but organize and lead the historic voyage that saved the human population and all of the animal species of the earth? He succeeded because he understood, modeled his actions on, and practiced biblical principles of leadership. This book is a “here's how” that honors God with the unique retelling of a story we all know so well, but today has new meaning and new use.
Dr. Johnson, who lives with her husband and family on a farm in the rolling hills of central North Carolina, near Raleigh, knows about the animals she writes about. Much like Noah, she is a community leader who recognizes and sees to her responsibilities in the daily needs of her charges.
Early 20th Century Opera Singers:
Their Voices and Recordings from 1900-1949
by Nicholas Limansky

Historical recordings by opera singers have proven since 1900 to offer much reward to the singer, student, listener, and collector alike.
In the first book of this kind to appear in decades, Nicholas Limansky explains why critical listening is important and describes the merits of analyzing and comparing the recordings of previous generations of singers with those of the present. He also recounts how markedly record collecting has changed through the decades—especially in large cities like New York—mainly due to technological advance. He not only treats collecting 78 rpm disks, but LPs and CDs as well.
Expired copyright now enables many of these early recordings to easily be acquired and collected, enabling the broad-scale comparison of style, technique, and vocal quality among the famous performers of earlier eras. The author points out what to look for among these differences in style, technique, and ability—both good and bad. (On occasion, the most famous are not the best!)
With emphasis on today's student and collector, Limansky provides information about where, how, and on what labels given recordings can be found. He discusses printed resources that offer the interested even more information. Beginners and veterans alike will find much of interest in this far-ranging book.
Nicholas Limansky studied voice at Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore and has a performance degree from the University of West Virginia. He has sung with major professional choral groups in New York City that include The Bach Aria Group, Musica Sacra, New York Choral Artists (NY Philharmonic), Opera Orchestra of New York, The Netherlands Ballet, and Alvin Ailey (Revelations, Rainbow).
He has written performance reviews that appeared in the Italian publication, Rassegna Melodrammatic, and reviews new vocal releases of historical singers for Opera News, The Record Collector (in existence since 1946), Classical Singer, and Opera Quarterly. He lectures at the New York Vocal Record Collectors Society and a member of its board of directors.
He has authored a career overview and critical analysis of the 1950s Peruvian singer, Yma Sumac— Yma Sumac: The Art Behind the Legend—published in May of 2008. He is working on a third book, an examination of the differences in listener value between operatic live performance and commercial studio recordings.
Please address an email to info@ybkpublishers.com to learn about the forthcoming supplement or CD-ROM.
Cooking the Ayurvedic Yoga Diet
A Yoga Sutra of Simply Healthful and Tasty Recipes
by Chef Zubin D'Souza

More than 120 recipes with both American and European measurements, this book draws its great-tasting and healthy recipes from hermitages in which the author lived throughout India. Now executive chef of a five-star hotel in Mumbai (and past participant in OCLD, India's cooking internship more difficult to get into than Harvard Law), Zubin D'souza has chefed all over the world and traveled much of India to compile this collection of recipes gained from his first-hand living of Ayurvedic principles.
- Salads and soups
- Masalas and curries
- Raitas and paneers
- Vegetables of every kind
- Dals, rice, and breads
- Dips, chutneys, and pickles
- Desserts that are good for your They're all here, gathered from hermitages all over India by a master chef who has modified these recipes especially for your kitchen.
There is even a brief explanation of Ayurveda for those unfamiliar with its principles, while not delaying those who are—those eager to get to cooking and enjoying!
Click here to view the table of contents and selected pages from this bookAll-Indian Vegetarian Cookbook
A Subzi Sutra containing the secrets of India's multi-regional vegetarian cuisine
by Chef Zubin D'Souza

More than 150 recipes with both American and European measurements, this book draws its great-tasting recipes from throughout India. A corporate chef, and a past participant in OCLD, India's intern program more difficult to get into than Harvard Law, Zubin D'Souza has worked all over the world and traveled much of India to bring you the best of regional cookery that he has elevated to classic form, refining each recipe to reveal nuance that regional cookery usually doesn't convey.
- Masalas and curries
- Rasams and shorbas
- Raitas and paneers
- Vegetables of every kind
- Dals, rice, and breads
- Chutneys, chat, and spice masalas
- Sweets to make your teeth hurt They're all here, gathered from all over India—the best of the best.
There are whole chapters on chilis and spices; how to stock a useful Indian spice larder and where and how to buy the staples to fill it; you will find treatises on oils and ghee, rice, how to eat "Indian style," what kinds of curries come from where, what special equipment is needed (almost none); and Zubin D'Souza even answers the question: Do Indians eat soup?
Organized by course, many of these recipes, having been collected regionally, are found nowhere else. Be the first on your block to prepare lentil dumplings in mustard sauce.
Click on the links below to view some selected sample pages or visit the author's book blog:
Table of Contents
Indian Provisions
The Depository Trust Company
by William T. Dentzer Jr.

The Depository Trust Company reports the early 1970s origin and evolution of The Depository Trust Company (DTC), the world's largest securities depository, and how it became the basis of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) in 1999. It describes the basic policies and company culture of DTC and DTCC and shows how these organizations made the clearance and settlement of virtually all trades in U.S. equity, corporate debt, and municipal securities more accurate and less costly, obliterating through automation the conditions that created the Wall Street "paperwork crisis" of the late 1960s.
What It Has Been nd What It Is
by Jay G. Williams

What It Has Been
Beginning with a review of the human needs that all religions seek to fulfill, Dr. Williams traces the world's religions as they evolved through four cultural channels: China , India and South Asia , the Near East, and Europe. The histories of all the great religious traditions—Confucianism, the Greek and Roman pantheons, Judaism and Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Islam—evolved through the four great world cultures and often followed empires as they conquered and expanded.
What It Is
The various religious traditions are followed down all four cultural streams to contemporary time—through their confrontations with the Enlightenment, Nietszche (""God is dead!"), Freud, and perhaps most profoundly with Darwin. The fundamentalist and moderate threads of both the Islamic and the Judaeo-Christian fabrics are thoughtfully examined.
About the author
Jay G. Williams is chair of the department of religious studies and director of Asian studies of Hamilton College. He is the author of books and monographs and of many articles in comparative religion.
Click on the links below to view sample pages from the book:
Title and Table of Contents
The Near East - Sumer, Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia
Early Chinese Buddhism
The Modern Near East and Europe
Yma Sumac:
The Art Behind the Legend
by Nicholas E. Limansky

Half the range of the piano keyboard!
At last a serious critical examination of the utterly unique vocalist celebrated for her "four-octave voice," Yma Sumac! A confounding, sometimes heartbreaking, mixture of absurd show-biz hype, stunning virtuosity, and sometimes ravishing artistry, Yma Sumac was a firmly established recording artist of the folk music of her native Peru when she came to America to be "discovered." And discovered she was—by the publicity department of Capitol Records and the "Exotica" pop music maestro Les Baxter.
From there her story becomes ever more tangled and weird—and deeply interesting. Yma herself is an amazingly contradictory mix. Nicholas Limansky (a formally trained professional singer) is able to demonstrate that she was startlingly sophisticated technically even though almost entirely self-taught. What is perhaps even more astonishing than the celebrated 4-octave range of her voice—and its effortless clarity and sweetness—was the nearly incredible longevity—fully 4 decades!—of her ability to command it.
With the enthusiastic collaboration of her quixotic, charming, slightly rascally husband, she went along with the corruption of her artistic identity by the gleefully amoral record-company publicists, creators of her public persona—Inca Princess (sometimes Priestess!)—from a primitive mountain tribe (or, sometimes, descended from a line of kings that was said to go back several hundred years before there were any Incas)! Imperious as any diva with her intimates and musical collaborators, she maintained an unassailable dignity and unaffected graciousness as a performer and in relation to her fans.
All documented in this large, lavishly illustrated volume—an extensively researched biography (her birth date established once and for all!), many personal anecdotes of her intimates, technical discussions of her voice and her music, generous excerpts from reviews and priceless examples of publicity material.
About the author:
Nicholas E. Limansky studied voice at Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore and has a performance degree from the University of West Virginia. He has sung with The Bach Aria Group, Musica Sacra, New York Choral Artists (of the NewYork Philharmonic), and the Opera Orchestra of New York. He reviews new vocal releases of historical singers for Opera News, The Record Collector, Classical Singer and Opera Quarterly. His vocal specialty is the acuto-sfogato (extended-vocal-range) soprano. His work on Yma Sumac has covered nearly three decades.
To view the discography of Yma Sumac on a separate web page, click here!
To take a look at the Title Page and Table of Contents, click here.
Click the following links to view some sample pages from Yma Sumac!
Return to Peru and Performance in New York
Yma at The Ballroom
Yma for a New Generation
Birding Through Life
Wanderings of a Born Birder
by Allen H. Benton

The author blends a scientist's curiosity with a contagious delight in what he sees. He has the ease of a natural raconteur in showing us how birding has bound together the decades of a long, rich life.
Allen Haydon Benton is professor of Biology, emeritus, at the State University of New York, Fredonia. He has written several books of poetry as well as the definitive "Manual for Field Biology and Ecology and Atlas of Fleas of the Eastern United States.
Click here to read a sample from this book (NOTE: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the sample pages).
Debbie's Stories
A Father's Tribute to His Beautiful Daughter
by Moe Liss

No death is more difficult to deal with than the death of one's child. The child's age matters scarcely at all. A parent who grieves the death of an adult child simply has had more years to come to love that child.
Debbie's Stories tells the recollections of her father and the relatives and friends of a young woman who died at the age of thirty-seven after battling lupus, scleroderma, and lung cancer.
These are reminiscences presented by the people in Debbie's life who loved her. They are stories, plain and simple. There is no denouement. There are no suspense-filled passages. And, while this book is about an ending, it, itself, has no ending. It is an outpouring of love exhibited through the recall of feelings and wishes and the love that surrounds those whose lives were touched by this young woman.
This book is a unique opportunity to participate in the lives of people who would otherwise remain unknown to you. It enables sensing somewhat the affect the death of one's child can have even many years after it occurs. And, most importantly, one senses and witnesses the healing effect that storytelling has on those involved. Through its stories this book brings life again through recall and enables communication when communication is obviously impossible.
Debbie's family and friends have been supported in their grief by an international group called The Compassionate Friends and have themselves become involved in forwarding the Friends' efforts. The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.
YBK Publishers is proud to publish Debbie's Stories. The new technology that we use, print-on-demand, enables us to produce very small numbers of books in a commercially viable environment. It provides a platform from which books of limited sales potential can be made nationally available and be successful publishing ventures as well. We are pleased to participate in a process that broadens the publishing base making available to a significant few what would otherwise not be disseminated at all.
Click here to read a sample from this book (NOTE: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the sample pages).
Changing Your Mind About Love: What You Need to Know to Have the Relationship of a Lifetime
by Judy Kelpsas and Tina Birnbaum

Can you really learn how to stay in love?
Give up these destructive myths:
- There is a natural gulf between men and women
- Unconditional love is the ideal model for relationships
- Relationships are a contest
- Independence and freedom is the best path to happiness
- Men don't want lasting love as much as women do
- Real love depends on finding the right person
Half of all marriages end in divorce. Staying in love is easier said than done. Too often we find ourselves exhausted by arguments, frustration and disappointment. What it takes is changing the way you think about love, and changing what you do about it!
Find out how loving relationships can last for you
- Frustration is inevitable—and survivable
- You can create and enjoy the benefits of emotional generosity
- There is power in your relationship that you never knew was there
- You can learn how to express emotion to support, not damage, your relationship
- Learning from conflict is the smart alternative to arguing
Take charge of your relationship instead of just letting it happen.
Tina Birnbaum MA, LCPC and Judy Kelpsas, MS, LCPC are two of the co-founders of Transitions: Associates in Psychotherapy in Chicago where they are well known as the developers of Parenting As Partners. They have each appeared in radio and television features on child development, women's issues and family health, including T. Berry Brazelton's What Every Baby Knows.
Click here to read the Table of Contents of this title.
Click here to view the Index of this title.
Sammy: The Little Green Snake Who Wanted to Fly
by Mary Riddick Welsh

Discover how Sammy, the little green snake, finds out:
- that wishes may sometimes come true in a most unusual way.
- that curiosity can help to find out about other ways of life.
- that getting lost isn't always a bad thing.
Mary Reddick Welsh was born in New York City and raised in Westchester, New York and California. She attended Colorado College in Colorado Springs and the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. She has also studied at the Art Student League in New York City and St. Thomas Aquinus College.
She has been an art teacher and a librarian in Sullivan, Maine where she has lived with her husband, Joe, for the past thirty-five years. She has both illustrated and written for the Puckerbrush Review and has created commercial illustrations for many organizations. Sammy is her first book for children.